I love apples. When I started Weight Watchers I quickly learned that I would be one of those people who needed the 0 point food items a bit more frequently than others. Although fruit is not 0 points, it is low on the Weight Watchers scale. I would also like to say that in my world/stomach all fruit is not created equal. Apples, however, pack quite a punch. Not only do they come in a variety of colors, flavors and sizes but they are also chocked full of fiber. Fiber=fullness.
Erin and I are currently counting down the days until we become Bostonians (we are relocating to Boston). There are a lot of things that I know I am going to miss about this city. One of these being the Union Square Green Market. I pass this market every Monday, Wednesday and Friday in the rain, shine and snow. All of the stands are local farmers and the rule is that everything sold must come directly from their farms. It was so fun to see the colors that emerged as each new season started. In the fall there were gourds, pumpkins and apples. The winter brought trees, wreaths and hot cider. The spring and summer bring flowers and veggies galore.
No matter what the season one of the main staples was Apples. Every morning on my walk to work I would pass crates and crates of apples. All kinds. My personal favorite is the green, tart, crispy Granny Smiths. There is also nothing like a tart Macintosh apple in the fall. I found that even in the middle of winter those farms show up with delicious, even if they are smaller, options. Today for example I found an amazing large and delicioius Winesnap.
These wonder fruits are also great to cook with. I added them in the stuffing I made at Thanksgiving, the hold endless possiblities for deserts and nothing beats a cup of apple cider.
I personally think we should change the saying to:
An Apple a day keeps the hunger away. Hooray!!
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