Friday, January 30, 2009

Sipping Shardonnay in Sonoma

Okay okay I KNOW that Chardonnay is spelled with a C and not the above S...but I just couldn't resist the alliteration title or the urge to tell everyone in the blogshpere that erin and i officially booked our trip to SONOMA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am so excited and have been doing research about wine country forever. I kept telling myself to wait for a special occasion or when i have all the money saved...but frankly I feel like there is always a reason NOT to go and really you only live once. So i jumped in with both feet, or shall i say both hands, and purchased the flight tickets last night! Now we know there is no going back on that!

I have already picked the brains of
Kath and Caitlin about their amazing experiences in Wine Country. Please send me any info that you think would be helpful.

1 Comment:

RunToTheFinish said...

I have to say the Jillian's 30 Day Shred DVD that a bunch of people are doing is hard core. it is a fantatsic work out and everyone has agreed it's hard it all the right ways!