I recruited erin to help me sample the Larabars and so far we have sampled two!
I knew it would be hard with all the holiday snacks to stick to healthy ones, so we opted to try them together so they didn't have to be our entire snack time.
I started off with the flavors that I have duplicates of first so that I wouldn't be as disappointed if I loved the flavor but didn't have it anymore in my cupboard. May sound strange to you but erin totally knows me and suggested the exact same thing.
So the first flavor we tried was the Coconut Cream Pie bar. This one was also highly reviewed by Tina so I couldn't wait to try it. Erin and I both really liked it!!! It had such a unique texture and the flavors were quite striking. I could really taste the coconut flavor along with an almost graininess that shredded coconut can bring to dishes. I wasn't sure how erin would fare with these because in my mind they are quite "healthy" tasting, which I love! She normally shy's away from these type of products but she really really enjoyed the texture/flavor as well. She mentioned that it was more like a chewy cookie than a healthy granola bar. Well put! (that's why she is technically the writer and I am just a humble blogger). I saw the ingrediants were: dates, almonds, unsweetened coconut, coconut oil and cashews. I mean of course it's good!!
Next we moved on to Peanut Butter Cookie. I thought for sure erin would pick this over the coconut flavor but she still says that the first one "takes the pie" so to speak :). I don't think it had the peanut butter flavor i was expecting...with that said it was still great. Honestly the textures of these bars really shine!
Which flavor shall be next....I'm thinking something festive like Gingersnap perhaps...
Stay tuned...
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4 days ago
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